Teacher Gift Ideas

Teachers have always been admired for their noble work—but teaching through a global pandemic has taken our love for teachers to a whole new level! They have remained dedicated and kept children excited to learn despite the many challenges they have faced. I’ve put together a few SIMPLE teacher gift ideas that they actually would want (and use) so you can show your appreciation for them. I’ve also included a couple of my go-to gifting tips below!

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Give the gift of greenery! It’s an affordable option—you can grab smaller plants like succulents for teacher assistants and office staff. Simply add a plant marker for a thoughtful touch. If you don’t have mini baskets you can wrap the plastic planter in Kraft paper and some colorful tape.

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Let’s be real—by the end of the school year, teachers need a big glass (or bottle) of wine. You can get an affordable bottle or grab a half case (for a discount at most stores) if buying for multiple teachers. Simply tie an adorable wine tag directly to the bottle or dress it up with a dishtowel and/or basket.

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Teachers are basically LIVING on caffeine right now—so help them fuel up for all of those lesson plans they’ll work on this summer. Pair an adorable coaster with a gift card to their favorite spot, or tie a tag on to a basket filled with a bag of grounds (or pods).

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GIFTING GO-TO TIP #1 My number one gifting-tip (for all occasions) is to always keep it simple—putting together an aesthetically-pleasing and meaningful gift does not have to be overly complicated or break-the-bank. Don’t take the joy out of gifting by adding more to your already very-full-plate.

GIFTING GO-TO TIP #2 Get the kids involved! Sure, you are the one purchasing and putting the gift together but don’t forget about letting your kids help out with teacher gifts (or any gifts that are ‘from’ them)—get them involved by having them create a little note to tuck into the gift—let them go wild and relinquish any creative control for this part. Or if you are short on time for a craft project, simply let them tie on the wooden tag or place the plant marker into the plant.

GIFTING GO-TO TIP #3 Ditch the tissue paper and use a dishtowel instead. Why spend money on tissue paper that will be thrown away when you can add a pretty dishtowel that will actually be used (and elevate the look of your gift!)? Look for sets or sales and put them with your gifting and wrapping stash.

GIFTING GO-TO TIP #4 Start early! Skip the last minute rushing and start stocking up now. Whenever I am out doing my usual errands or putting together an order online, I like to think of any events coming up that may require a gift. At Target? Throw some dish towels or dollar bin mini baskets to your cart. Putting in your online grocery order? Add a bottle of wine or a couple extra bags of coffee. This will help any gift budget seem more manageable and is also a great way to start a gifting stash (for those last minute moments).

PLANNING ON MAKING ONE OF THESE GIFTS? Tag us on Instagram to be featured!