Make a mini bouquet!

I have the CUTEST Valentine’s Day gift DIY! These mini bouquets are easy, affordable and will make someone smile!


  • 3-5 blooms (per arrangment)

  • Paper (I use Kraft paper, but really any kind of paper or even a linen napkin will work!)

  • tape (I love double-sided tape for this)

  • FREE bouquet tag printable


  1. Cut your blooms down to size—I recommend 6-8” but it’s really up to you!

  2. Cut your paper in a strip the length of the stems

  3. Roll the paper until you get a cone shape and then cut the excess paper off the top and tap together

  4. Add your blooms inside the cone, make sure they are snug—you can always roll the paper around the blooms first so you ensure a proper fit

  5. Print and cutout the free bouquet tag and wrap it around your bouquet. Use double sided tap to adhere the tabs together

Meredith Herman